What should you do after a tree falls on your property in Pointe-Claire?

It is normal for trees to die or fall. Even your own trees will eventually die, whether it is during your lifetime or the lifetime of those who will follow you. However, when a tree dies in an urban environment, the damage is usually more extensive than in the forest. Indeed, material damage or accidents to people can occur. When a tree is dead, when a disease has affected it and it can no longer heal, or when it has suffered too much damage from bad weather, it is best to call in a certified arborist to have the tree removed.  


However, proactively relying on arborists for regular maintenance of your trees increases the chances of identifying problems early on that are still avoidable. Especially since at the beginning of an attack by pests, a tree may seem to be in good health. However, if its roots are rotten, it is possible that bad weather or strong winds will cause it to fall.  

  Merci au service entretien arbre à Beloeil d’avoir commandité cette première section de cet article.

Why should you hire a tree care expert?  

Every tree care expert begins his or her work with an inspection to determine the best option under the circumstances. In the event that a tree removal is necessary, the certified arborist can suggest an alternative or secure the site to prevent branches from breaking windows, among other things, if removing the tree is the only option. His presence can save you significant costs, those you would have incurred by ignoring the situation instead of acting.  

  Tree service Pointe-Claire

Arborists have specialized equipment and experience with complications. Whatever the job, even felling, they are able to do a complete job, whereas an amateur may have to take over part of the work. It is true that the professional may cost more than the well-intentioned friend. However, if you include in the decision the cost of contingencies in case of problems committed through ignorance, the least expensive may turn out to be the arborist.  


It is a wise precaution to ask him if he has insurance: civil liability or against work accidents. Just to be prepared for rare but possible eventualities. So, it’s better that he is equipped to deal with them.  


If a dead tree falls, what should you do?  

 And the day a tree falls on your house, what should you do? First and foremost, get your family members out of the house immediately and to safety. Ideally, you should have agreed on a specific gathering place for such situations. You can also check for injuries. Call emergency services immediately afterwards. It is also good to see the extent of the damage.  


You should also call an emerger. Some tree care companies offer emergency services. They will probably come immediately. It is best to call a professional in an emergency, if only for the safety of your family members.  


Prevention is the best course of action  

 As soon as a sign alerts you, you should contact a local or regional tree service. Their arborists will normally assess the situation at no cost to you. So use certified arborists, they are a guarantee of safety and workmanship commensurate with the well-being your plant specimens deserve. Imagine the amount of trouble this precautionary measure will save you!   

Emondage Pierrefonds

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